The 2014 Pacific Northwest Regional Contest

Puget Sound Site D1 per Site Standings


Goto Division 1 Standings

Goto Division 2 Standings

Group RankNameSolvedTime
1Eternal Flame (U of Washington)81285
2Olia in UW (U of Washington)4581
3Amgems (U of Washington)4594
4superluminal (U of Washington)4885
5WWU Seg-Fault (WWU)2689
6House Lannister (U of Washington)1155
7Binary Buffer (PLU)1236
8The Returners (UW Tacoma)1271
9Puget Noise (University of Puget Sound)1278
10shell shocked (PLU)1351
11The Birthday Club (UW Tacoma)1384
12TROLAR (UW Tacoma)1393
13Tiny Data (University of Puget Sound)00
13Wildcards (UW Tacoma)00
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Last updated Tue Nov 25 16:06:27 PST 2014