The 2012 Pacific Northwest Regional Contest

Northeast - EWU, Cheney/Spokane per Site Standings

Overall Standings

Group RankNameSolvedTime
1Eagle Red (EWU)4479
2Gammak (Gonzaga U.)3147
3Vandal Gold (U of I)3190
4NULLdogs (Gonzaga U.)3253
5Celestial Turkeys (Whitworth)3256
6WSU1 (WSU)3269
7Platform Independent (Whitworth)3292
8Eagle Inferno (EWU)3326
9Rounded Edges (Gonzaga U.)3364
10Code Slingers (Whitworth)299
11WSU2 (WSU)2110
1242 (EWU)2112
13Code Crushers (Whitworth)2217
14Snoring Eagles (EWU)2305
15Fighting Grasshopper (EWU)159
16Vandal Silver (U of I)194
17Unnecessary ASCII Characters (Gonzaga U.)1229
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CSS by Tomas Cerny and Ray Holder
Created by CSUS PC^2 version 9.2.3 20120910 build 2565
Last updated Sat Nov 03 19:37:14 PDT 2012