The 2013 Pacific Northwest Regional Contest

Canada Site per Site Standings


Overall Standings

Group Rank Name Solved Time
1 UBC Wrong Answer (U British Columbia) 7 690
2 UBC Diamond (U British Columbia) 7 703
3 SFU Cardinal (SFU) 7 808
4 SFU Ivory (SFU) 6 372
5 UBC Memory Limit Exceeded (U British Columbia) 6 525
6 SFU Royal (SFU) 6 637
7 UVic White (UVic) 6 773
8 UBC Compile Error (U British Columbia) 5 183
9 Uvic Blue (UVic) 5 404
10 UBC Time Limit Exceeded (U British Columbia) 4 148
11 SFU Amethyst (SFU) 4 202
12 UNBC Forked (UNBC) 4 225
13 UVic Green (UVic) 4 250
14 UVic Maroon (UVic) 4 301
15 UNBC Stacked (UNBC) 4 593
16 SFU Magenta (SFU) 3 136
17 UVic Burgundy (UVic) 0 0
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Last updated Sat Nov 02 18:44:14 PDT 2013